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Old 04-25-03, 10:13 PM   #1
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Boa Species

Colombian Rainbow Boa
Guyana Red-Tailed Boa
Suranime Red-Tailed Boa
Colombian Red-Tailed Boa
Central American Boa
Argentinian Boa
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Paraguayan Rainbow Boa
Guyana Rainbow Boa
Venezuelan Rainbow Boa
Dumerils Boa
Sand Boa
Rosy Boa
Emerald Tree Boa
Amazon Tree Boa
Cooks Tree Boa
Green Anaconda
Yellow Anaconda
Viper Boa
Hog Island Boa
Solomon Isle Ground Boa

Am I missing any?


Last edited by Zoe; 04-25-03 at 10:15 PM..
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Old 04-25-03, 10:26 PM   #2
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Bolivian boa
Amarali boa
Stictly Constrictors

With time comes experience, with experience comes success!!
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Old 04-25-03, 11:02 PM   #3
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I believe you are missing a few cause the Boidae family consists of 2 sub-families, containing 7 genera, and 36 species.

Sub-Family(1): BOINAE (5 genera, 23 species)

1) Genus:Boa(Boas), 4 Species

1. Boa Constrictor...................................Comm on Boa.
2. Boa Dumerili........................................Du merils Boa.
3. Boa Madagascariensis.......Madagascar Ground Boa.
4. Boa Mandrita.........................Madagascan Tree Boa.

2) Genus: Candoia(Pacific Boas), 3 Species

1. Candoia Aspera........................................Vipe r Boa.
2. Candoia Bibroni...............................Pacific Tree Boa.
3. Candoia Carinata........................Pacific Ground Boa.

3) Genus: Corallus(Tree Boas), 4 Species

1. Corallus Annulatus..............................Anulated Boa.
2. Corallus Caninus..........................Emerald Tree Boa.
3. Corallus Cropanii.................................Cropans Boa.
4. Corallus Hortulanus.......Cooks or Amazon Tree Boa.

4) Genus: Epicrates, 10 Species

1. Epicrates Angulifer...................................Cuban Boa.
2. Epicrates Cenchira................................Rainbow Boa.
3. Epicrates Chrysogaster...................Turks Island Boa.
4. Epicrates Exsul..........................................Aba co Boa.
5. Epicrates Fordi...........................................Fo rds Boa.
6. Epicrates Gracilis.......................................... Vine Boa.
7. Epicrates Inornatus........................Puerto Rican Boa.
8. Epicrates Monensis........................Virgin Islands Boa.
9. Epicrates Striatus.....................................Haiti an Boa.
10.Epicrates Subflavus..............................Jamaican Boa.

5) Genus: Eunectes(Anacondas), 2 Species

1. Eunectes Murinus..............................Green Anaconda.
2. Eunectes Notaeus............................Yellow Anaconda.

Sub-Family(2): ERYCINAE (2 Genera, 13 Species)

1) Genus: Charina, 3 Species

1. Charina Bottae..........................................Ru bber Boa.
2. Charina Reinhardtii......................Calabar Ground Boa.
3. Charina Trivirgata........................................ .Rosy Boa.

2) Genus: Eryx (Sand Boas), 10 Species

1. Eryx Colubrinus................Egyptian or Kenya Sand Boa.
2. Eryx Conicus............................Rough Scaled Sand Boa.
3. Eryx Elegans.....................................Englis h Name N/A.
4. Eryx Jaculus.......................Turkish or Javelin Sand Boa.
5. Eryx Jayakari.....................................Arabi an Sand Boa.
6. Eryx Johnii.........................................Eng lish Name N/A.
7. Eryx Miliaris.......................................Eng lish Name N/A.
8. Eryx Muelleri......................................Engl ish Name N/A.
9. Eryx Somalicus..................................English Name N/A.
10.Eryx Tataricus..................................English Name N/A.

I took this Information from my favorite book.
SNAKE by: Chris Mattison
Published in: 1999

Us humans may have discovered some new animals since 1999 but i hope it helps anyways.

Chondro Python and Snake Lady
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Old 04-25-03, 11:11 PM   #4
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But what I'm really looking for is common-in-captivity species that I may have missed (I did take a few from that list!)

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Old 04-25-03, 11:50 PM   #5
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you forgot. anery boas, hypo boas,
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Old 04-25-03, 11:51 PM   #6
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thanks boa, but i'm looking for species not colour morphs :]

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Old 04-26-03, 12:36 AM   #7
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Chondro... the Madagascan Ground and Dumerils are Acrantophis, not Boa. Madagascan Trees are Sanzinia, not boa

Within boa is constrictor. Then under constrictor there are several ssp.

imperator (mexicana is no longer valid, it is now imperator)

Also there are a few other Genus missing from your list:

the ever contested Calabaria (is it boa or python?)

Zoe.. Your best bet would be to check out the EMBL database . A couple of the bc ssp are not commonly kept, nor are the dwarf boas (tropidophis, ungoliophis). I'm on a waiting list for a pair u.continentalis...the list is 3 years long! I can't wait :zi:
Just keep walking and ignore the monkeys...


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Old 04-26-03, 01:00 AM   #8
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Lady Dragon.. i wrote everything word for word and i stated in my post that some things could have changed since it was published in 1999.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
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Old 04-26-03, 01:08 AM   #9
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The amusing thing is my book in nearly 10 yrs older than yours. Some of the taxonomy has changed since my book was published, but all the boids are still listed. I went through with a pen and corrected the nomenclature, LMAO. I hate to say it, but your book just wasn't complete....regardless of publish date.
Just keep walking and ignore the monkeys...

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Old 04-26-03, 02:04 AM   #10
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Correct me all you want at least I took the time to lay it all out like that I don't see ppl jumping to do that kind of work for others and it is more then what a person would normaly find on the net. Unles you knew what you were looking for and if that was the case then why would you be looking. Any way I might be missing a few but combine every thing from this thread and you should have what you need zoe.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
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Old 04-26-03, 02:49 AM   #11
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well i think you are both crazy for careing about nameing evrey type of boa there is its not realy important unless you keep evrey type of boa you both named and if someone wanted to find out the latin name for a boas or any other animal they would probably just go to a search engine find a caresheet on the animal and it would tell them i dont think they would search high and low for this post and whats the point of arguing over something so minor and stupid like you two are and books are not always right
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Old 04-26-03, 03:07 AM   #12
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well books are more correct then half the stuff you find on the net.

I once found a retic labeld as a boa constrictor (BCI) that just show why zoe's site will be nice to find. Why serch further when the anser is right in your face. She can state every species on her site and only choose to give care sheets for the one's she has first hand expirence with.
You see what I am saying
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
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Old 04-26-03, 05:22 AM   #13
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Woah! You guys are insane!! I only know the Brazilian Rainbow boa and the boa constrictor- and the tree boas. I probably know a few more too but definatly not all of those!!!! Yikes!
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Old 04-26-03, 06:51 AM   #14
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There are so many breeds to choose from in the rep world.
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Old 04-26-03, 09:50 AM   #15
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ya but i still don't see any importants in knowing there latin name all as it does is complicate things and yes i know all things an the net are not correct but probably the best way to find out is to go and see how other people are caring for there creatures and see which ones work the best and use that or use bits and peices from other ones
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