Re: Help MbK strange scales? And problem around mouth?
Take your snake to a vet...soon. The following is what happened to my Indigo and what the vet (exotic pet vet) prescribed:
I brought my Eastern Indigo (Drymarchon Couperi) to the vet today due to the appearance of the scales towards the tail (the same shriveled scales you have on your snake) and one or two other lesions that appeared a bit further up from the tail.
I don't see him every day, or most days for that matter, and he always takes his food back into his hide so I didn't notice the problem until today and I took him in as an emergency case due to the other lesions one of which was bloody, like a scrape.
Anyway, the vet told me she recently had a similar case and it turned out to be fungal, not microbial/bacterial (though fungus might be considered microbial when you think about it, but I'm not a biologist so who knows).
I'm taking home multiple antibiotics and a pain killer, putting Silver Sulfadiazine on the affected scales, bathing twice a week, and who knows what else. I'm going to be waiting for a biopsy result and when I get it, I'll post it here.
Also, take your snake out of the enclosure then clean the enclosure with a strong bleach/water mixture; or, if you can get it, get some F10 disinfectant. The F10 is pricey, but it's worth it. Put the snake back in the enclosure on paper towels until you get your snake fixed.
You can also wipe the F10 on your snake, from the neck to tail, just not on the head, to kill off anything that might be there as an added precaution, it won't harm your snake.
Some info on F10:
F10SC (super concentrate) veterinary disinfectant is an EPA approved hospital grade disinfectant. It is used in many of the world’s leading veterinary hospitals and zoological institutions as well as by leading reptile, avian and exotic pet breeders and keepers. F10 disinfectant is widely recognized as the most effective and economical total spectrum disinfectant on the market.
F10 is non-corrosive, non-toxic, non-irritating and aldehyde free so has no adverse effects on people, animals, equipment or surfaces. It has been proven effective at recommended concentrations against all types of bacteria, fungi and spores including MRSA, avian influenza, psittacine beak and feather disease, canine parvovirus, e.coli, aspergillus and a host of others.
F10SC Veterinary Disinfectant can be used in a wide range of applications — disinfecting cages, water bowls, floors, racks, shelving, perches and toys, food preparation areas, inside incubators, washing eggs and decontaminating hands. F10SC can also be applied as a fog or fine spray to mist rooms to eradicate airborne microbes and to stop cross contamination.
F10SC is active against bacteria, fungi and spores. It is an excellent product for achieving a high level of biosecurity and poses no hazard to yourself or your animals when used at recommended concentrations.
F10 products are non- toxic, non-corrosive & biodegradable.
F10SC can be sprayed on and left to disinfect after cleaning with no need to rinse off. Unlike many other products F10 stays active providing an ongoing residual effect.
4.7.3 Boidae | 9.15.13 Colubridae | 15.16.4 Pythonidae | 2.1.0 Canis lupus familiaris | 1.0.0 Homo Sapiens Sapiens Stultus
Last edited by Scubadiver59; 09-03-19 at 04:14 PM..
Reason: added F10 info