As stated below, there are "two" back walls and the heat tape is suspended between them. I would've thought they would've been taped to the back of the outside of the inner wall, but I think that the fan is supposed to circulate air around the heat tapes and thereby provide ambient air temperature increase over the entire enclosure. Even if it was taped to the back of the inside "inner panel" it would warm the air around back panel, not so good as an RHP, but it would provide some heat.
I've seen RHPs mounted to the inside of arboreal vivs, for ambient heating, other than the basking lamps, so the heat tapes make sense; however, the absence of theremostat probe access does confuse me somewhat.
Outside Dimensions: 32"x21"x69" (width x depth x height)
Inside Dimensions: 31.5"x17.5"x54.5" (width x depth x height)
You can see by the depth difference the existence of the gap between the two back walls, which I think are 1/4" PVC.
Originally Posted by trailblazer295
Dimensions? I don't see the purpose behind heat tape in such a tall enclosure. Any animal that uses that kind of height isn't going to be laying on it hardly if at all. It looks like PVC if that's the case heat tape will only heat the area in contact with it and do nothing for the air or surrounding area. The reptile would have to be pressed onto the side to feel the warmth.