they should know better
went to the summit co. fair in ohio yesterday. at the 4-H bulding they had displays of things the kids were raising as a project. there were chickens, ducks, etc. over in the corner was a sad looking display of 3 snakes. one looked like a fairly decent cared -for king snake, except it had no water and was on the same bedding used for chickens. the 2nd was a poorly shedding 5 yr. old corn snake. no water, same bedding. the 3rd. was labelled "baby corn snake" and it was in a plastic container like they use at snake sales-about the size of a margarine container-few air holes, no water. you would think adult supervised organizations would teach the kids the correct way to care for these animals. i assume these snakes were going to be left this way for the whole 5 days of the fair. really sad.