He has arrived!!!!
Finally after a month of waiting my little buddy is here. He was hatched 7/14/2015. He spent a good 20 minutes exploring his new digs and then buried himself on the cool side. Hopefully I'll see more of him once he settles in. He didn't huff and puff at me. Seemed slightly curious but nervous about me. I touched him a little on his side and he flinched a little, but he has had a big day. Shipping wasn't as scary as I thought it was. My buddy at the FedEx wanted to see him (likes snakes) but he was under his aspen in the cup. I thought at first the 20 gallon long would be too big seeing his deli cup but once he stretched out he was longer than I thought he was.
He weighed in at 90grams.
Not the best pictures of him but I'll get better ones when he settles. He looks so disapproving haha.
Anyway, I need name suggestions.