Just a few misc pics
Here are two new snakes I got today from Exotic Pets in Vegas. Both are wc snakes and have been treated for parasites.
Red Tailed Green Rat Snake. It has some nose run marks and a small amount of scale rot near the tail.
Tiger Rat Snake
2.5 yr old Dumerils Boa
Northern Copperhead I observed herping
2 Black Rats,2 Retics,2 Texas Indigo,1 Albino Chinese Beauty,1 Bull,1 Black Milk,1 YT Cribo,1 Albino Garter,5 Corn Snakes,1 Brooksi,1 VBB,1 MBK,1 Bairds Rat,1 Albino Cal King,1 Pied BP,1 Dumerils Boa,2 Rattlesnakes