woma bite me...any danger? i´m kinda worried
So it happened...i put my woma out of his enclosure and it seems he mistake my finger with a mouse. He bite into my finger and wrapped around my hand.
It did really hurt and i didn´t remove him with force because i feared i break his jaws or teeth. He is rather small. just 180grams.
His teeth did penetrate my skin and it started to pour a little blood. I grabbed him behind his head and after a couple of minuts it got uncomfortable enough for him to let go.
The blood stopped within seconds And it doesnt hurt anymore as soon the teeth were out. I know womas arent venomous but i´m kinda stressed out because i fear it could infect. I´m vaccinated againt Tetanus like 8 years ago so thats ok.
P.s.: he is ok though. After he mauled me he just started eating his mouse....