My snake is addicted to mice
So, I have a 2 1/2 year old Ball Python. She was eating f/t small rats for a while (3-4 months). Suddenly she began to refuse eating followed by roughly a 9 month hibernation (she would not come out of her hide). All temps/humidity have been solid. After around a year since her last meal, she shed twice in quick succession, roughly a month apart. Since she has returned to being very active, however, she will no longer eat rats. I have gone through roughly 5 r/t small rats and 2 live that I also tried euthanizing and feeding to her shortly after. So far the only thing I can get her to eat is mice, she will snag them up almost instantly, every time. Currently I am feeding her 3-4 adult mice every 2 weeks. My main concern is once she gets to full size, I will be feeding her around 10 mice to equate the same value of a large rat. I have tried scenting the rats with mice bedding, pinky blood/brains and yet she just ignores the rat. I have even tried rat pups... I'm starting to think I'm stuck feeding her mice. Can anyone shed some light or have another route I could possibly take to get her eating rats again?