How Do I Convince My Woma Python That I Am Not Food?
Ophelia, my juvenile woma python, has been home about 2 weeks now and is eating well. So well, in fact, that she would like to eat me. I wash my hands before handling her to get any scents off, so maybe I just smell tasty. I pick her up and she promptly begins constricting my hand. Then she slowly and deliberately opens her mouth and makes a move to bite and presumably swallow whatever part of my hand is conveniently close. I use my other hand to get a hold of her neck and restrain her, but the second I let her go she's at it again. I have half a mind to just let her bite me. After a few not so fun minutes she should (I hope) realize that I am not edible and let go, and should (I hope) not try it again. Python bites suck. I'd rather not. Any other ideas?
0.1 Hog Island Boa, 0.1 Woma Python, 2.3 Ball Pythons, 1.1 Stimson's Pythons, 1.1 Western Hognoses, 4.6 Corns, 1.1 Mexican Milks, 2.2 Black Milks, 1.1 CA Kings, 1.1 CA Red-Sided Garters, 2.3 Trans-Pecos Rats, 2.2 Russian Rats, 1.0 Olive House Snake
Last edited by SerpentineDream; 03-31-16 at 10:35 AM..