So, I felt it was time to give you all a brief update on Glitch.
So this is a pic of her when I got her...

That was the day I picked her out with my mother holding her.
Here are a couple pics I took of her today...
I have not weighed her for a while, which I am making a mental note to do... Anyway, she has grown quite a bit and still has never been aggressive toward me. She stays in her hide all day and I assume she comes out when I'm sleeping. (I still want a king... Maybe after I get a stable job... Idk)
I thought you would like to see how she is doing
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon