New Baby Burmese Python
A while ago I posted some threads with questions about burms because I was getting one and he is finally here! Well, I actually got him on Valentines day but was letting him settle and he also happened to be in shed when we first got him. This is just my second time handling him and so far he has been pretty calm. He is a little cage defensive, he does not strike but kind of hisses and jumps around little. Other than that he's has been very comfortable and I actually see him out and about more than my boa. He is about 3 months old and looks to be around 2 feet long. He is het hypo and I think it shows through as he has very vibrant colors. I am custom building enclose which should be done in a couple of weeks. Ill post some more photos later on and when he goes in to the new enclosure.
Thanks for reading!
If there are any other burmese keeper out there that could share some tips to a first time owner that would be great!