My gravid female boa is in shed cycle already
Hi. it turns out that my female Nicaraguan boa is gravid but something is just not adding up.. I had my female living with a male (also a nicaraguan boa) for a couple of years till recently i noticed shes gravid, i dont know the exact date of them mating due to the male and female has been living together all their life but she ovulated and had an pos (post ovulation shed) on January 4th this year. After shedding she was a bit darker then the usual and she got much skinnier after ovulation, she picked up weight now and looking a bit fatter but still not close to what I'd expect her to be. This morning i noticed she is definitely shedding and its been like 54 days after the POS, according to my research this shed cycle means she is less than a month away? Is this normal for a gravid boa to shed so soon after the POS? I was reading something about if they go into labor about 2 weeks before the 100-105 day marker, after POS, then she will have just slugs..
Is this normal for a gravid female to shed halfway through the gestation period?
Or is this just time now ,between 5-21 days from labor?
#first time breeding with boas.
thanks Justin.
02. Nicaraguan bci boa. 02 Brazilian rainbow boa. 02 rock python. 01 coastal carpet python. 01 flap-neck chameleon.