New to Boas (and the Forum) - Meet Aunty Rachel
Hi All
I used to own a corn which I rescued a little (bought 'second hand' though I hate that phrase when it comes to animals). She was in poor shape but I didn't know at the time but I got her feeding good and she lived to about 16 yo.
I was getting ready to dismantle her viv the other week and it made me realise how much I wanted another snake. A bit (ok a lot of coercing) of my wife and she eventually agreed.
I have always loved Boas - I love their head shape, their proportions, size - everything!
So a visit to a (truly excellent) local reptile store and I came with this stunning CA BCI. I love just the 'common' morphs. Nature knows how to do beauty IMO better than humans do.
She's settling in well, no hiding at all and has taken her first mouse from me.
Just one question - is it possible to tell where in CA she would originate (although she is a CB if that makes sense)?