Talk me out of this!
I have that itch...I want another snake....I have empty tubs just begging for an occupant.
While at my local reptile store, I saw a gorgeous tangerine hondo milksnake.
Now, I am a sucker for pretty snakes. Call me shallow if you must, but it's the truth. Now...I have made a promise to get no more snakes until I get the house with my's so small! It won't take up any extra room! And, if I trade baby cresties that I haven't been able to sell anyway, it's almost like getting the snake for free!
That is just one thing other is that I love a good display snake. Not one that hides all the time. And, whobis easily handled. This milk spazzes at first but no musking or biting, and seems to relax after the innitial 'capture' (something my MBK never did. If she was in hand, she was desperate to escape!).
What are some pros and cons of this particular kind of snake? Any information about them will help as well.
"THE Reptiholic"
I stopped counting at 30....