Vacation Brumation
My wife and I will finally be taking our honeymoon in January. We will be gone for three weeks. This of course causes issues with the snakes feeding schedule. I am trying to decide what is the best option for them. Right now I have two situations I am mulling over. Regardless of what I decide I will have a friend that will be checking in on them weekly to make sure temps are holding and water is full/clean. The first option is leave their thermostats as is and have my friend attempt a feeding during the second week. This worries me for several reasons. First he does not have experience with snakes and I worry it would cause stress for all involved. Second I would hate for a snake to regurg while I am not around to check on them. The second option I am thinking about is doing a mini brumation while I am gone and just having my friend monitor water and temps once a week. By lowering the temps for a few weeks I am thinking the snakes would do fine with out food. Honestly I am fairly certain that most of my snakes could do just fine for this period with out feeding, but I am worried about my tiny garters. They are so small and their metabolism is so fast that I worry I might do some damage by not feeding them for so long. I would love some input from you all for the sake of my snakes.
R.A.D. house