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Old 11-30-15, 09:21 PM   #12
bigsnakegirl785's Avatar
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Re: An Unfortunate Loss

Originally Posted by Snakesitter View Post
I'm so sorry for your loss. :-(

Keep in mind that all not all baby snakes are meant to reach adulthood. The reason they have such large litters is to make sure at least one survives. I've had litters where one or more just did not make it, in some cases with no warning at all. My best guess is in line with Aaron's -- that there was an underlying issue that killed her, of which the regurg was just a symptom.

As for the worms, unless you noticed them in other poos/urates of hers, they probably arrived after the fact.

The lab should be able to confirm all of this.

Two final cautions:

One, make sure the lab uses an experienced *exotic* pathologist for any diagnosis. Have them save any samples used to make the diagnosis, just in case you need to send them elsewhere for a second opinion. That saved my butt once after a lab messed everything up with a misdiagnosis.

Two, just in case, treat her prior enclosure as if it is contaminated with the plague. Toss all substrate and furnishings that cannot be bleached. Wear disposable gloves. Better paranoid than sorry.

Good luck, and please keep us posted on the lab's findings.
Unfortunately I'm not sure if I can do that now, and my vet did say they don't do necropsies, they send it there.

I've already removed her tub from the area, and will be cleaning it. For now, it's safe and out of the way.

The initial examination did not yield any conclusive answers, so they're sending her in for further tests, and I should have the final report on Thursday. They said if I don't hear from them by Friday morning to give them a call.
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