11-30-15, 03:03 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Living Gems Babies: Litter 2015-B
On November 11, Living Gems Reptiles had its second litter of 2015.
The sire, Ramses, is a now-proven hypo four-year-old breeder male with an impeccable pedigree: his great-grandsnakes were the founder animals of the line, and he traces down directly by Michael Lockwood's own hands.
The dam, Pearl, is an impressive orange four-year-old, outcrossed het hypo girl.
Here is the enclosure as I found it that morning, not long after she dropped. At this point, not a single baby was out and about. Note she has exited her lay box, then stuck her head back in to nose through the little ones:
You can faintly see her head in the lay box here, along with a pile of babies to the left:
Here is the enclosure that evening, when *everyone* was out and about:
Overview Left Side
Overview Right Side
Here was a mega cute row of baby rainbows, all in a row the night they were born:
Left Side
Right Side
And, as cleaning continued:
Checking the Hide Door
Exhausted Mom
Mom and babies are doing well. The babies, in fact, are finishing their first sheds, and were offered their first meal on the weekend, with a 100% take rate.
Thank you, as always, for reading.
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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