Little Boa feeding question, please
In September I picked up the cutest baby female boa from a reptile show. I've had several other snakes but I've been wanting a boa for many years. She was a May baby, so about six months old. I have been feeding her a F/T rat fuzzy every Thursday since I acquired her (though she did skip one week).
I've noticed the last few weeks she looks very.. chubby. She seems quite full and has a pudgy little tail. She's got a huge appetite, appears to be very healthy (though approaching a shed, I believe), and is pooping fine. And plenty.
Everywhere I've read says I shouldn't feed less then once a week, and I've even been told the feeders I'm giving her are too small. Should I cut her back anyway?
Maybe I just bought a batch of super high calorie rat babies. If anyone could share their thoughts, I'd really appreciate it.
I've attached a picture of her from back in September (tucked against her rock hide) and the "now". I know they're not the best representations of my descriptions but she's not been feeling cooperative..
Thank you so much, everyone!