Things to try for a baby hoggie who hasn't eaten in over a month
I made a post right after I got my baby hoggie about how she was refusing to eat. Well I've had her for a month and 2 weeks now and she still is refusing. She was eating frozen thawed pinkie at the pet store I got her from, but despite trying everything she won't eat for me.
Last week I took her to my vet (who is excellent; lots of experience with reptiles) and he said she looked healthy, active, alert, and didn't seem too thin. He was reluctant to tube-feed an animal that seems so healthy (especially when she is so small that tube feeding will be really tricky) so he recommended I wait another 2 weeks and come back in again if she still isn't eating.
So really I'm just looking for other tricks to try, even weird far out stuff. She comes out flicking her tongue at me looking for food, but then gets defensive and runs away after mock-striking it a few times.
What I've tried so far
-cutting the head off/splitting the head/splitting in half
-getting the pinkie really hot
-getting the pinkie only about skin temperature
-scenting with tuna
-scenting with a live tiger salamander
-scenting with chicken broth (recommended by the vet)
-tong feeding (multiple times)
-leaving the pinkie in a dark, hidden spot in her tank (multiple times)
-leaving her in a small dark box with the pinkie overnight (multiple times)
-rubbing the blood/tuna fluid/brains of the pinkie in her face
Future ideas (let me know if you've had success with these)
-asking the pet store if I can scent a pinkie with one of their frogs/toads
-rubbing her face in warm, chicken flavored baby food (recommended by vet)
-feeder fish (which kind would be best for this? and live or dead?)
-egg whites
I know someone is going to suggest trying a live pinkie, but I discussed that with the vet and he agreed that it probably isn't a good idea in this case.