our herp. pets
Hi. These are our herp. pets. The azureus frogs are my favourites (I know I shouldn't have favourites but I do). They are from Mark, and they are awesome. The pyxie is my husband's. It is cool because it has attitude. The corn snake seems to be our oldest daughter's favourite. She talks to Samantha Snake a lot. The box turtles are King Tuttle and Lady Tuttle. Lady Tuttle is really friendly. In the days before we had children she would follow us from room to room like one of the dogs. The red -eared sliders were our first herps. Lets just say we learned a lot from them. The pictures are in the Gallery.
Thanks for looking,
Tara Garratt
PS. Lisa, thanks for your help. I would never have gotten the pictures posted without your direction!
Last edited by Tara Garratt; 04-03-03 at 10:05 PM..