General Questions for a Carpet Newbie
Hey all! I have some general questions for my new lady.
1. She seems very slender and there was no food bulge left the day after she ate a mouse pinky and a mouse fuzzy. I checked to see if she regurged and there was nothing in her tank. How often should I be feeding her for a slow but healty growth?
2. I have heard that carpets are hard to change onto new foods, so, should I be working her on some rat pinkies instead of mouse fuzzies?
3. My girl seems to sleep at night and be active during the day/evening time. Is this normal?
4. Does pink on their tail/underside mean they will be shedding soon?
I'm sure I will have more questions later but this is it for now.
Got a pic of her awesome butterfly marking in her head too!
Also, having trouble picking her name, soooo.....what do you think? Shisa, Aria, or Nali?
"THE Reptiholic"
I stopped counting at 30....