Actual poisonous snake
Amazing shot of a partially dissected Rhabdophis nuchalis (groove-neck keelback). Here you can see the poison glands at the base of the neck (called nuchal glands) are stored poison that the animal sequesters from its food (usually toads).
Thought I would throw this up here. I found it on Facebook and reminded me of all the times weve corrected each other here saying snakes arent poisonous but are venomous. These are the exception to the rule.
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an