So Chaska is about 100 grams now (5 months old ish) and is doing just fine. Still friendly, and she seems calmer and less prone to stressing out. Still taking hoppers like a champ!
Anyways, my Animal Plastics order came in! I'm super pleased. The plastic feels really nice, and my boyfriend and I put it together. Each piece fit together like a glove.
I have it mostly assembled, and I just need to take it outside tomorrow to do the sealing (because vapors). I'm excited to get it all prettied up and decorated and stuff! Setting up this enclosure is like an art project, haha.
River the teenage kitten was being helpful.
I got a fluorescent light (to set on a timer for a day/night cycle), sliding glass doors with locks, and flexiwatt heat tape as extras. I ordered a spiffy new digital hygrometer and a couple hides for it too. Spoiling snakes is fun