Getting a Garg gecko
The thing is, I am going to a repticon this weekend, but am concerned with avaliable stock. What is the most reliable online place to order a Garg gecko or any of its required items or supplies? I was hoping for a variety of options and have only found one site (which I forgot what it was) that had multiple morphs.
This is not for advertisement and do not want it to become one. All I want is advise from people who have experience with these people or companies.please pm me if you feel it would be too much like advertisment. Thanks^.=.^
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon