Squiggy was sort of an accidental acquisition to our herp collection. My b/f's sister on impulse wanted a fish so she picked out a betta fish and one of those tiny little quart sized bowls. While we were at the pet shop the salesman told her that she could add a firebellied newt to it (in that tiny little bowl) and have them peacefully coexist..... It didn't sound right and I tried to talk her out of it but no dice. So we get the thing home and it swims around in that little bowl frantiacally so I get on the internet and browse a few care sheets and take my b/f's sister to a closer pet shop to buy all the things it really needed. 5.5 gallon tank for now, something for him to bask on land, bloodworms, various other decor, etc. $89 dollars later (this pet shop is a complete rip off) we've got Squiggy in a more appropriate environment and now Chris is taking care of him. *sigh*. Well, I just think he is the cutest thing but I don't know much about them beyond the caresheets I read. When he gets a bit bigger we'll move him up to a 10 gallon. Anyway, here are a couple pics.