04-30-15, 01:51 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Breeding Update 2015, Part 2
It has been three months now since Living Gems started its 2015 breeding cycle, so we wanted to give our customers and readers an update on progress so far. This is post number two of four, covering our third and fourth pairings.
Pair 3
DuVall and Spessartine, one of our high orange couples, got off to mixed start. The night of introductions, there was a lot of pushing and shoving of furniture; however, there were also major urate trails. There was not much to see until mid-March, when I noticed several sperm plugs. In late March, I spotted a tail wrap. There was courting later that night and for the next week to ten days (silly snakes…isn’t the courting supposed to come before the wrap? Or have I been approaching dating all wrong?). In early to mid-April, there were more plugs and still more courting. So far this is looking pretty good.
Tail Wrap!
Guard Duty
Pair 4
Prometheus and Malachite, our high red couple, also got off to mixed start. The night of introductions, there was a bit of pushing and shoving of furniture; however, there were also major urate trails. At the end of January, I found the two of them hanging out at the front of the cage; the next day, there was a sperm plug in the water bowl. In late February, Prometheus began heavily courting Malachite, following her all over and rubbing on her. The next few days saw shared water bowls and a definite tail wrap. In mid-March, there was more courting and another plug. Early April saw two more plugs and more possible courting. This pairing too is looking pretty good.
Tail Wrap!
Separate Ways
I will continue with another two pairs next month.
As always, thank you for reading.
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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