I got my female gargoyle gecko when she was 15g(and was sold to me as a male ) in January of last year, from a breeder who houses all his babies individually. If you're wondering about the male listed in my signature, it is a 9g baby that I was inspired to get after I discovered the egg of interest...and he should really be listed as a 0.0.1 but I'm determined to have him turn out to be male!! She gave me two dud eggs last fall, and has given me two more clutches this spring. Her first two clutches were oddly shaped, poorly calcified, and discolored, so I didn't bother candling them. But her newest clutch looked very much like normal eggs, so I decided to candle them. One was as I expected: straight yellow all the way through. But to my surprise the other one contained the magic cheerio of fertility! I set up both the eggs in a barebones incubator to see what would happen. The one that looked empty to begin with turned soft and smelly after a week so I got rid of it. But the other one continued to develop! I took pictures of the progress, probably more often than I should have, but it has been interesting nonetheless.
But a warning to the squeamish: the egg did not make it to full term and I have extracted a deformed embryo from within, of which there are photos if you continue to scroll down.
I incubated at 26C on perlite which was mixed 1:1 with water by weight, in a dual lock container with a few ventilation holes. The perlite was changed twice throughout incubation due to the appearance of mold, which never touched the egg.
I didn't take a picture when I first candled it, because I'm silly, but here it is at day 7: (brown spots are stains from eco earth that the egg was laid in)
Day 14:
Day 21:
Day 28:
And on day 35 we finally see something other than a cheerio:
Day 42:
Day 49:
I did continue to candle after that, but saw no further changes whatsoever.
Aaand that's my photo limit so I'll have to double post!