I think my first post may have gotten lost earlier today.. I'm Mary, from south Mississippi. Recently acquired 2 boas, having previously had only corn snakes. These guys have a story just like every pet, and they have become near and dear to my heart since being rehomed with me. It's been a challenge, esp with one, Mushu, that while much improved, isn't where I want her, healthwise. Abigail has been a breeze and I couldn't ask for a better snake to begin life with boas. I'm here to continue learning as much as possible bc I'm seeing that the person I got them from clearly wasn't as expert as he thought.. There's are several items I came to get input on, but one at a time is probably easier to cover lol.. I'm looking forward to interating with everyone and hope y'all will be patient with me as I educate myself while giving these 2 the best life possible