How often should I feed my new guy?
So I'm new to the forums, but not new to keeping reptiles. I'm currently housing a 4 year old 1400g 1.0BP, a two year old 70g 0.1Corn snake, a 4 month old 20g 0.1Sand Boa, and I just got a nearly two year old 1.0BRB weighing in at 430g.
I got him in shed, which he finished within the first week. I then fed him his first F/T rat (the local shop i got him from feeds live, KOd rodents) and was pleased to see a great feeding response with the F/T. The rat was about 75g (arctic mice small rat size)
My question, though, is how often should I be feeding him? My corn and my sand boa both get fed weekly, and my BP biweekly. This guy is between both in terms of size, and I'm not sure if I should be feeding him weekly still or has he graduated to biweekly?