Depression! Help!
My gopher snake, Aphrodite, refuses to drink her water. It gets to the point I have to MAKE her drink my putting her nose in the water. She will only drink then. Plus whenever there is a hide in her cage, she rarely ever comes out. When I pick her up to take her out she is ice cold. Idk what's wrong. Even her eating habits are strange. She's been like this ever since I got her from her previous owner. When I feed her, I have to lay it on her or somewhere close to her and wait an hour. Unlike my cal king who eats immediately, she takes her time and instead of eating two rats, she now eats only one. Is it the winter or something wrong with her? The good thing is that she had a healthy shed so she has the proper nutrition, just not the normal habits like eating, drinking, and sunbathing. I'm getting even more worried.
0.1 Western Milk: Milkdud, 0.1 Desert Phase Cal King: Liouse, 0.1 Gopher Snake: Aphrodite, 1.1 Drysdale River Bearded Dragon: Franky and Titan, 0.1 Eastern Box Turtle NO NAME, 1.0.1 Broad-head Skink NO NAME, 0.1 Beta NO NAME 0.0.0 Spider Ball: (coming soon)