Speckled Kings Copulating!!
Finally after the female's being none receptive and being just plain bitchy, my first confirmed copulation. The male's the darker, more yellow one. He's basically as ugly as speckleds get. the females are excellent specimens though. I'm hoping the babies will come out more like mom, but with dad's yellow. The male's in shed too! Talk about being a good breeder! The female is the smaller of the two females. I'm hoping to catch the other female in action after he takes a break from this one.
<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/SpeckledCop2.JPG">
<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/SpeckledCop1.JPG">
The Herp Room
"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell