My new snake is on crack
I just got my new Rough Green in the mail today. She's wild caught, unfirtunately, but I couldn't find captive bred RGs anywhere! So, When she arrived, I opened up her deli cup and stroked her back a reaction. Her head was buried in the substrate, so I guess that explains what happened next. I got her tank set up and picked her up to pop her's a good thing I have fast hands, because once I grabbed, she *flipped out*!! I had her by the mid-body, and she repeated whacked herself against the side of the aquqrium before I could get her in there. She almost got away from me, but she didn't and I got her in. I hadn't put the fake plants in there yet, so she could see everything...and she jumped (I swear her whole body left the ground) and flipped around wildly around the tank everytime someone in the room moved or walked by her.
So, somehow I managed to get the fake plants in without her getting out of the tank, and she looks a bit better, but I'm very disappointed and discouraged right now. I'm guessing she'll never be handlable.
- Victoria :w