I noticed that my snakes look WAY nice in real day light outside than when i watch them while they are in the cage. Now when i keep them under a few lamps or anywhere where the light is stronger (more lux) than in the terrarium, the colors become better. For example, my quadrivitatta looks yellow/grey in the cage, but outside and in light rooms with lots of lamps it looks really yellow!!
So i want to place more lamps in the cage. Now what kind of lamp(s) would be the best...i already have a lamp there for the heat which makes it hot enough in the cage, so the lamp should not give a lot of heat but only a lot of light:
TL-lamps require not much energy and don't give much heat at all...however, tl-lamps blink very fast (50 times a second or something like that) which we human beings can't see, but reptiles can, which may result in stress. I also read there are also reptile tl's but they seem to be quite expensive.
Does anybody have lamps in their cages that don't give heat and are cool for the animals inside the cage?