Ok,I'll do my best to describe her current condition.
I've notice her strange behavior about 14 days after I got her,I didn't understand what is all about since this is my first snake so I was observing her carefully,first she became very dormant,then I noticed stargazing and coughing..it took me awhile,but when she started coughing I definitely knew something was wrong so I started digging online to find some answers when I saw the symptoms and the circumstances match RI! My first action was raising the temperature to around 34°C,then I took her to the first vet,he wasn't certain what was wrong(she also got a pink belly,but that resulted in shedding later)gave her one Baytril shot and told me to take her to the vet university on Monday.So I wen't to the university on Monday and the vet told me there that she has still some old skin left on the head which may trouble her breathing so I left her there for 2h so they could try to remove that,don't know if they did a culture in that time,but when I returned to pic her up,vet gave me 5 (currently unknown) antibiotic shots,and told me he was not going to use Baytril since it can leave some side effects on the skin.I used up all the shots 14 days ago and she is still acting a bit weird.
My consumption is:
She got RI cause of the low temperature she had at night,when I bought her I only had a heating lamp installed,and a small termo pad without thermostat and I would turn off the heating lamp at night so she could have some night time,now I think she is getting better atm. but still needs a better setting so that's why I ordered a new terrarium today and a thermostat as I will change the heating from ceramic heater to termo pads,I already mention that in my other thread and that was the advice I got.I think her slow recovery is due to the lack of possibility for me to sustain a good stable environment within this OSB terrarium and I think after I get the new setting,up and running she will be healthy in no time!
Hope this was enough intel on the situation!
Thank you!