Hognose vs BRB
I believe in research before ownership, and know that O want a 2nd snake very soon, however I am having a bit of difficulty staying with one type. I first couldn't decide between a garter or a hoggie, and after researching both I decided on a hoggie. However, after stumbling onto some beautiful BRBs I am once more at a stand off. So, I'd like to give ideas of what I want in my next snake and would like your opinion. Then, I would also like some pros and cons of both western hogs and BRBs.
So, what I am looking for would be a heavier bodied snake that also stays fairly small and able to stay in an enclosure about the size of a 20 gallon long tank for at least 2-3 years. (The snake would also get alot of out of tank time for exercise and enrichment). Something that is relatively active and easy to handle. (I know this can vary from animal to animal but a generalization).
I'm not trying to hold a popularity contest, just looking for educated opinions and information from experienced keepers.
Thanks! =)