01-09-15, 02:34 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Pairs 2015: Ramses & Amber/Pearl (Hypo)
Finally, Living Gems is reaching the scale where we can pick and choose our breeder animals for the next year. We will have ten females large enough to breed this season, from which we will choose eight. Following is the profile of our first pairing.
Ramses is a now-proven hypo four-year-old breeder male with an impeccable pedigree: his great-grandsnakes were the founder animals of the line, and he traces down directly by Michael Lockwood’s own hands. Here he is as of last September:
His potential mates, Amber and Pearl, are impressive four-year-old het hypo girls.
Amber is the barest touch nicer…
…but has been a finicky feeder ever since she tasted fresh killed, and now insists on it…if I push back, she stops eating and therefore growing. If I stand my weight ground, the still-gorgeous Pearl…
…is more likely to meet LGR’s weight targets.
Ramses produced a litter of 13 het hypo babies in 2014, and Amber and Pearl are virgin females.
Thank you, as always, for reading.
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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