Red Tailed Boa?
Hey all! I don't have any boas (in fact getting my first snake soon, a young female MBK!) But there are snakes I have always loved and are on my wish list. Many are colubrids, but there is one boa that I have wanted for quite a while. I only know them by the name I saw in the pet shop so very long ago, and while trying to find them again I am discovering many types either different localities, morphs, or completely different type that just have similar features. I know them only as a 'red tailed boa'.
They were babies when I saw them, but had a smooth. Soft grey body with some general darker markings, but were only grey on the body, then at the tail (maybe 3 inches or so) they were a deep, rich red in a bit of a diamond pattern.
I always told myself that if I ever git a boa, it would be that kind. (Though BRBs are getting close lol). Now, 10 years ago, in a normal pet store, they were priced at about 150$, so I'm pretty sure they weren't a morph or rare type.
Can you guys help me find the 'real' red tailed boa and give me some basic info? (Size, temperment, ect).