Took advantage of the nice weather! (Dial Up Warning)
The weather was nice so some of the snakes got to go out and stretch in the yard. They ended up drawing enough of the neighborhood kids to bring about a mini-reptile education class.
Anyways here are some of the pics.....
Click on any of the pics to see more pictures of that snake
Logan the Hog Island Boa:
Victor (Male BCI) These pics do not do him justice... he has a lot of salmon coloring that the camera did not pick up.
Victoria (Female BCI) She is the one I adopted from Va Reptile Rescue in December.
Here is a link to the listing of all of our animals..... Click Here
1.1 Columbian BCI, 1.2 Hog Island BCI, 1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python, 0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Children's Python, 1.1 Amazon Tree Boa, 1.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Horned Mntn Dragon, 1.0 Carolina Anole