Hey guys, I am going to be graduating college soon and am looking to buy another snake. Currently I have a year old healthy corn snake and I am looking to get something new. I have been doing a lot of research lately and can not decide on what I want next.
Here's what I am looking for:
- Mild mannered. I do not want to deal with an extremely nippy snake. I realize that some snakes are nippy as juveniles, but I would prefer one that is "puppy dog tame. I am also aware that snakes' temperament is typically a case by case basis and there is always a chance that I will get an aggressive individual.
- Under 10 feet full grown. Preferably in the 6-8 foot range
- Not a pet rock. I want a snake that is somewhat active
- Somewhat easy to care for. I am ready to take on a challenge, but I like the fact that snakes are somewhat low maintenenace pets and would like to keep it that way
And here are the snakes I have been researching:
BCI - Seems like a great option, however adults seem to get a bit bigger than I would like. Still completely open to the idea however.
Carpet Python - Love the idea of getting one of these. They are absolutely beautiful and would definitely make a great snake to show off. However, I read their temperament is pretty hit or miss and they are nippy as juveniles.
Dumeril's boa - I like the fact that their temperament is pretty tame, however the downside is that they are ambush predators and I think it might be a little boring, besides handling it.
Some of the bigger Colubrids - Havent really done much research on these, but I am keeping my options open.
Ball pythons - Not really interested in these. They seem pretty boring.
I have also considered getting something smaller that is active and use it as a display snake. I've always liked the idea of a "live" vivarium with live plants and branches, and it would be really cool to have a cool snake that would slither around the tank.
I know with the above criteria it seems like the obvious choice is a carpet python, however I feel like there's gotta be other options that I haven't looked into.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am definitely not going to rush into this purchase, and want to find the type of snake that is perfect for me.