Underground reptiles
I just made a purchase from underground reptiles. even with all the bad reviews I have seen. in all honesty I spoke with Ryan B. over there and felt well assured that he at least knew what was going on. well long story short I purchased an Salvator from him. when I first got the package the heat pack was good and warm. and the water monitor (Yoshi) was making a ruckus in the box. I open the box and can see the bag just jumping around. well at this point I was relived that it was alive. I open the bag and stick my hand in to find Yoshi climbing up my arm. well I put (hopefully) her in her new enclosure and she darted off. about what I expected from a farm baby. and a little later that day I hear a loud pop from the enclosure. to my surprise I had a heat lamp blow. that has never happened to me before. so I did what we all would do. I cleaned up all the glass. basically I removed about half of the dirt and changed all of the water. well in the process Yoshi came up and chilled on my arm. so I let her chill for about 20 min. and she decided it was time to move on and slowly moved to her hide. well she is still settling in now and I chose to disturb her beauty rest and get you guys one picture. sorry about the quality. She is alert and feisty, I just woke her at like 6am.
and as for my opinion on underground, they are great. I am your typical annoying customer I want to talk until you cant take me anymore. I want pictures and updates at a constant rate. and Ryan B. was more than happy to help me out. and never got frustrated with me. they sent me a healthy seaming animal witch is all I can really ask for. I would in fact suggest them and order from them again. just my two cents.