I'm a first timer.
I'm new here and I've never had any reptiles in my life than furry companions such as dogs and cat. I, recently, have received interest in snakes. I have tons of questions and before I decide on what snake to get, or even know if I truly want one, I want to know a few things...
>>How long do I hold my snake?
I know I should I do it on a weekly basis, but I don't know know how long. Some say that it depends on the snake, but what's a good estimate?
>>Do I buy rats at a pet store and kill it?
I'm completely dumbfounded as to how I'm supposed to feed a snake. I know what it should be eating, but the execution of the meal in question is one of my biggest concerns. Should I buy live rodents and kill it myself, or do I buy already killed mice?
>>Why can't snakes eat live mice?
Will it turn on their instincts or is it merely because it doesn't have enough space to catch one in it's enclosure?