I have a 100 gallon tank that currently houses a bunch of small fish. I've been in the fishkeeping hobby for a long time and have grown tired of it. You can't really interact with small fish like you can with snakes, dogs, cats, etc.
I am considering 2 things.
1. Selling the tank/stand/canopy/filter/live plants/fish. I think I could probably get $500+ from everything. But I really have no need for the money...just selling the fish, plants and filter would give me $200+ and leave me with a bare tank/stand/canopy.
2. Tear it down to nothing but a clean, dry, tank...and put something else in it. No fish. NO idea what I would put in it. I could probably use the $200 from the fish and plants and filters to put something in there.
If it were you in this situation, what would you do? If you were to sell it, what would you do with the money? If you were to keep the tank, what would you put in it?
Maybe I can get some ideas from y'all. Because I'm stuck. All I know is I want something interactive but low maintenance.
So...if you were in my shoes, what would YOU do?
P.S. for those who missed it on my "Some snake questions" thread...I got my snake! High White Cal King. I am SOO smitten.