Weird Behavior
I just got a new ball python 2 weeks ago from one of my friends. It's a year old& he hisses all the time& refuses to sit under her heat lamp at all. It's not to hot but he always sits behind him water bowl is the shade& is always cold to the touch. I hold him almost every day for a good amount of time. Well two days ago I was holding him and texting on my phone& he was doing her normal hissing every so offen and then out of no where he bites at my face. It scared me to death so I put him back in his cage and have been scared to touch him since. He's even hissing more now louder while he's in his cage and I don't know what's wrong. I also have a baby rat snake that's in cage across my room from him. Could that be a problem? The rat snake hasn't been acting weird, just his normally jumpy self but I don't know what's wrong. Help me. & I am also not sure the sex of either snake.