Originally Posted by Roman
If you would life here in Germany, the answer for the minimum size would be 1 x 0.5 x 1 of the total length of an adult animal, so for a 6 ft cornsnake the dimensions should be 6 ft x 3 ft x 6 ft according to the official guidelines which were issued 1997 by the government in accordance with some animal rights groups and some reptile experts (among others).
Granted, the supposed dimensions are generous to say the least, On the other hand, in my experience an active snake like your cornsnake will be more active if it gets more room, in a small enclosure it will most probably only stay at the same place (where should it go to anyway), but in a larger enclosure it will move around, climb the branches up and down…
So in my opinion something like 5 x 2 x 4 would do fine (add another feed in depth if you can, your snake might feel more secure if it can stay away from you).
You have only one snake right now, a second when you get your ball python. Why do you want to keep them on minimum conditions? Why hide them? Go for a display enclosure, place it in your living room. Create something you really enjoy to watch – every time you see it it should make you smile. Not something barley adequate to just house your snake but something interesting to look at. Create a piece of a north American woodland or maybe a small section of a barn where your snake is a part of the whole picture. Be creative. If you do it right (and you have more than enough time to do it right and to save enough money to be able to do it) you don’t need your TV any longer and you have to use a big stick to get visitors back to your dinner table instead of watching your enclosure all the time.
Thank you Roman. Well said man. People put their snakes in enclosures where they cannot even fully stretch out, and shove large rodents on them so they "reach size" and people wonder why their snakes don't reach 10 years. I appreciate a voice for large enclosures. I wish that the practices breeders undergo to keep multiple snakes was not considered appropriate for the hobbiests.