Needing some advice on what to do with the fact that I just found my Albion California King snake that had escaped about a year ago in my yard today.I'm %100 sure he is the same one. I live by the lake in a mountain town in north Georgia (U.S) and am quite surprised he is still alive, also He made it through a rather brutal winter. I didn't think they could survive in our winter climates. Also we have 4 Dogs & 4 Cats so him being still in the yard as well as alive is rather incredible.My husband has called it fate

So now I'm wondering if I should let him go again? I would like to keep him especially since he is not a native to my area. I still have all my stuff for his habitat but I'm wondering what the effects of him being in the wild for almost a year can be. Parasites and what have you? Will he be more apt to bite now he has been in the wild?Will he go back to eating the non-live food? Any advice on the matter is welcome.