New to Forums, New to Snakes, Not new to motherhood
My husband and I have two girls, and now a Sinaloan milk snake. Or so that's what the pet store said. The also said he'd only eat three pinkies, he ate six. They said he was hyper, he's not. What they didn't say was his age or sex. I use he because I don't know. He's about 12-20 inches long. Has 17 bands not 13. I haven't weighed him yet. I've done a good deal of research I have his terrium set up well I think. 84/86F hot side, 75/77F cool side. Two hides. And a plant that Jasmyn Blaise (my daughter not my snake) said Blaze (the snake) had to have. Yes, the child named the snake after herself but so far it fits! He's got a scar on his head we did notice til we got home, but my daughter wanted to "Save" that snake. She was under the impression he was in danger, I don't question kid intuition. It was her present anyway. He seems happy now when we see him. If I ever figure out how to post pictures from my phone I will. Thanks for reading my book. All advice is welcome.