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Old 07-18-14, 02:19 PM   #1
Charis's Avatar
Join Date: Jun-2012
Location: Pocatello ID
Posts: 1,722
1st attempt breeding BRBs. Some questions?

Like the title says, this year we tried pairing our adult BRBs for our first attempt at breeding this species. We pretty much followed Dave's outline to the letter. (thanks for writing that out, Dave!)
Unfortunately there have been few signs to tell us if she is actually gravid or not, no witnessed tail wraps or anything of that sort. I've kept track of her sheds and based on those I had a possible first due date of the middle of this month. She never had any obvious swelling or major weight gain, although I hadn't had a good way to weigh her before she was paired and have no good baseline to compare to. (Although I wasn't able to get an accurate weight on her, I was able to ascertain that she is more than big enough to breed.)

She has been refusing food or only taking much smaller prey items for the last two months or so, was very active at the start of this month up to a few days ago and only in the last few weeks have I seen her laying on her sides. But what is really confusing me is that she just went opaque again!

This is her shed record since being paired with Simon.
Placed with Simon 1/9/14
Shed 3/23/14
Shed 5/10/14
Shed 6/16/14
Went opaque 7/16/14

Is shedding once a month while gravid usual? Does she look gravid? Picture was taken 7/16 just as she was barely starting to go opaque.
Thanks for any replies!
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