Re: Growing Like a Weed
Yesterday was a very interesting day with Tank. When I first checked on him it was obvious he needed his water changed. He was 24 hours late on his regular bowel movement so seeing this mess was a relief. After draining and refilling his water I left but noticed Tank wanted me to stay. Throughout the day I usually check on Tank 20 to 30 times. Some of those times would consist of me popping into his room and saying hello but today Tank was waiting for me, looking over the top of the tub. Each time I saw this I went in and sat down to talk with him. During these times he moved close to me stretching up to my face. As I talk he watched and listened as if he was getting some good out of the encounter. This wasn’t a “feed me” look, it was a “spend time with me” look. When I would get up to leave he would stretched up as if to say “don’t go”. This was repeated at least 20 times during the day. It was obvious to me he wanted attention. Night came and he went to sleep in his water. Late in the even one of my daughters want to get a shower so that meant Tank had to come out of the tub. I made his bed and tucked him in. Moments later I noticed his head sticking out from under the blanket. I laid down on the floor and talked with him. He got as close to my face as possible almost touching me. I cupped his head in my hand and continued to talk, telling him how he need to go to bed and so did I. As I talked I could feel the weight of his head increasing. After 45 minutes of nonstop talking he closed his eyes and fell asleep. I carefully placed his head on his pillow and covered him up. He slept all night, getting up at 6am when I got up.
I think Tank wasn’t feeling well all day and needed some comfort, much like many of our pets, us too. Today, Tank is more back to normal but still wanting that close contact, just not like the day before.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.