Help Deciding what to get next
I'm leaning towards Jungle Carpet Pythons but I'm still not convinced yet. Here are the species I am considering, any comments are welcome.
Considering but probably will pass on the following:
Unicolor Cribo: Cool snakes but after reading they make a mess, I have reservations about them.
Tricolor Hognose: Very cool looking but not sure about their personality which makes me question how long I'd stay interested in them. Does anyone know if their bites can cause swelling and stuff similar to some other rear fanged snakes?
King Rat Snake: The normal form looks pretty cool, but it seems I can only find CB albinos. Does anyone know of a breeder. The musk sounds less than pleasant, too.
Kunishar Island Rat Snake: The best of the best look pretty, but I've seen some ugly ones, too. Anyone know how heritable the color is?
Seriously Considering:
Jungle Carpet Python: I really like these guys and there are lots of breeders to pick from.
Green Tree Python: Another one I love the looks of and it seems there are some good breeders to choose from. The only downside I found is that some of the better breeders are able to get a lot of money for their animals, far more than I could spend.
Savu Python: I like these little guys but it seems there aren't too many breeders or a lot of information on how easy or not it is to successfully breed them. I see some for sale but all have been through flippers which I'd rather not deal with.