Kingsnake feeding problems
Okay, so for the past two or three years now my kingsnake would go off feeding during the summer, mostly May and June. I just thought it was because of the mating season, but honestly I don't know if it's normal for a snake to not eat during that time. But now it's July and my snake still isn't eating. I have a hot end for her that I keep around 80-85, sometimes it goes to 90 and the humidity is around 50%. As far as I can tell she is healthy, but I'm starting to get a little worried. Is it normal for a snake to not eat for this long? She has always been kind of a picky eater but it's going on three months on and I'm not sure what to do. Oh, and she hasn't been out of her hide since Tuesday, the only reason she came out was because I moved it to check on her. Is that normal? I'm going to hold her today to try and warm her up with my body heat and to get her moving some, I'm hoping she'll eat after that but I'm at a loss as to what else to do. Any suggestions?